Hi! I'm Jess,

this is my Little Shop of Oils. I create uniquely handcrafted candles, mists and essential oil blends aimed to offer holistic healing benefits. Though it may sound strange, it was anxiety that ignited the flame that drove me to create this labor of love. 

I started building collections around the emotional ailments that plagued me.

I incorporated Full Moon and New Moon candles into my manifestation rituals. The Dream Mist was designed to help acquire restful night’s sleep. The Anxiety Sucks essential oil blend became a bestselling item that helps liberate others from panic or worry.

I’m a Taurus,

I thrive on creativity. My happy place is at home, diligently working on arts and crafts. I struggle with anxious thoughts and feelings regularly, and this artistic outlet eased the tension that accompanied my anxiety. I also find great joy in helping others. I spent many years as a doula and truly enjoy how rewarding it is helping to support women. I knew I wanted to find a way to evolve my passion for creating into a career, but after a handful of failed business venture attempts, the emotional weight of my anxiety was amplified. I found it challenging to maintain relationships or even leave the house. I sought relief in self-care practices, crystals, and essential oils. From this longing for comfort was born the Anxiety Sucks blend along with a collection of other self-healing products. Not only did this blend itself combat my anxious thoughts, but the process of passionately creating it tamed these flustered feelings.

Before I knew it I had a full-blown business!

I would turn up the music and dance around the house while making my products, until my little shop of oils quickly grew into its very own warehouse (where I still dance around to my favorite music). It’s a sacred space that smells delicious and houses all the fun potions that I am honored to create. When it feels like the walls are closing in, remember that the only way out is through. And I’ll be there to meet you on the other side!

My journal

I occasionally update my blog with notes on gratitude, horoscopes and tips on clearing your mind and easing anxious feelings. Latest posts below.
